裁き・黒鷲の学級 Judgment (Black Eagles)
(大聖堂 昼)
Cathedral | Daytime
セテス: ……さて、貴方がたが犯した重大な背信行為について、大司教より沙汰がある。
Seteth: As all you have committed a breath of faith, the archbishop will now pass judgment.
シャミア: 王国領主の煽動、大修道院への侵入、大司教の暗殺未遂、聖廟の襲撃……。
Shamir: Inciting a Kingdom noble to rebel. Unlawful entry. The attempted assassination of the archbishop. An attack on the Holy Mausoleum.
It is unnecessary to go on, followers of the Western Church.
司祭: なっ!?我々は西方教会などと関わりは……
Priest: What?! We have nothing to do with the Western Church!
セテス: すでに貴方がたの身元は割れている。見え透いた芝居はやめていただこうか。
Seteth: You have already been identified. Please spare us your second-rate theater.
レア: 神聖なる儀式を穢したことは、聖職にある者にとって万死に値します。
Rhea: Dishonoring a holy ceremony is worthy of death for a member of the church.
You are well past the hope of redemption. If you have any grace remaining, you will willingly offer your life as atonement for this crime.
司祭: クッ……聞いていた計画とは違った。我々は騙されたのだ……!
Priest: No! This isn’t what we were told would happen! We’ve been deceived!
シャミア: 何をぶつぶつ言っている。どう言い訳しても罪は変わらん。
Shamir: It’s no use arguing. Whatever your excuse, the punishment stands.
レア: あなた方の魂が、つつがなく主の御許へ還らんことを……。
Rhea: May your souls find peace as they return to the goddess...
司祭: や、やめろ! 我々を処刑するなど主がお許しになるはずがない!
Priest: Wait! Please! The goddess would never forgive you for our execution!
司祭: 女狐め……こうやって幾人もの同胞を殺してきたのを知っているのだぞ!
Priest: Monster! We know you’ve already slaughtered many of our fellow brethren like this!
レア: 詮議は以上です。彼らを連れていきなさい。
Rhea: This concludes the investigation. Please remove these poor, lost souls from my sight.
エーデルガルト: ………………。
Edelgard: ...
Black Eagle Classroom
エーデルガルト: ……というわけよ。暗殺計画も聖廟の襲撃もすべて、西方教会の仕業だったようね。
Edelgard: That's that, I suppose. The assassination attempt, the attack on the Holy Mausoleum... It was all the Western Church's doing.
That masked knight who led the attack somehow managed to disappear without a trace.
ヒューベルト: セイロス聖教会も一枚岩ではない、ということなのでしょうな。
Hubert: The Church of Seiros clearly isn't as unified as it would hope to appear.
It seems the bishop of the Western Church was always opposed to the church being ruled centrally from Garreg Mach.
Perhaps they hope to remove the archbishop in order to completely strip the Central Church of its authority.
Choice 1: 西方教会…… The Western Church...
Choice 2: 中央教会? The Central Church?
エーデルガルト: そういえば、師は教会には一切近寄らずに育ったってジェラルト殿が言っていたわね。
Edelgard: Ugh, that's right. Jeralt mentioned that you were raised without any exposure to the church.
In order to function more efficiently, the Church of Seiros is split into several smaller entities.
The Central Church is the largest and leads the organization from Garreg Mach.
ヒューベルト: 西方教会はロナート卿が反乱を起こしたガスパール城より遥か西……
Hubert: The Western Church extends from Castle Gaspard, where Lord Lonato rebelled into the far west.
They can be found just beyond the most renowned stronghold of the Kingdom, the Fortress City of Arianrhod.
エーデルガルト: ともかく、騎士団は西方教会上層部の討伐に乗り出すみたいね。
Edelgard: It seems the knights have been tasked with subduing the leaders of the Western Church.
We may be give an opportunity to help them with their mission.
ヒューベルト: しかしフォドラに生まれながら、セイロス教と関わらずにいる者など……
Hubert: To think...our own professor was born in Fódlan and yet knew nothing of the church.
I never imagined explaining something so basic to an instructor of mine. You're something of a special case, are you not?
エーデルガルト: そんな人に生徒を指導させる大司教殿も、変わっているわ。何か思惑があるのかしら。
Edelgard: How strange that the archbishop would ask someone like that to lead her students. There's clearly more to that decision than we know.
カスパル: レア様かー、怖え人だよな。一人残らず処刑なんて、流石に厳しすぎねえか?
Caspar: Lady Rhea is pretty scary sometimes...but to execute that whole group just like that? It seems harsh, even for her.
ベルナデッタ: あ……あたしも、何かやらかしたら、厳しい罰を受けちゃうんでしょうか!
Bernadetta: If one of us does something bad, I wonder what she would do to us!
ドロテア: ……先生は、大司教様のやり方が、正しいと思います?
Dorothea: Professor... Do you agree with the archbishop's actions?
セテス: ここにいたか、先生。大司教から話があるそうだ。来てくれ。
Seteth: There you are, Professor. It seems Lady Rhea would like a word with you. Come with me.